She won the contest! Um, she did??
Ad wiz, ad shmiz.
Read Sassy magazine's coverage of the
15-year-old winning writer of the text
of the accompanying cartoon ad below.
The magazine flew her to New York
City from Toronto (her first plane
trip!), wined and dined her, showed
her New York.
And then the ad agency didn't use
her text.
Did it appear in another version of
the same cartoon? This series featured
many different cartoon situations,
which makes me doubt two different
texts would accompany the same ad. But
it did include some of her
Maybe that introduced her to the
viciously competitive ad industry. I've
worked in public relations; everyone
to change "glad" to "happy."
What's Marta Zakrzewska doing today?
Well, according to my Web search she did
later write copy in advertising. Google
her to find out more.
BTW, in the mid 1990s, when the
museum was open
to the public in my house, this
same magazine, Sassy, advised me in
print: "Stick to
jock itch products, buddy." A
few years later a similar magazine,
Bust, made me one of its "Men We Love,
'Bustiest,'" in its Fall 2000
issue. Members of the Bust staff
visited the museum; Sassy never did.
Sassy folded, Bust survives. I think
there's a lesson there. Cross your MUM,
will you?!
Read more media
coverage of this museum.