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Jennifer Boire

"I am a published poet, and member of the League of Canadian Poets." She lives in Montreal, Canada.


The Cunning Cunt

and that word 'cunt' ­

my knowing cut off from its roots ­

cunning, kenning, Kunti.


something more than 'contemptuous slang

for vagina or woman' : cunnus diaboli

devilish cunt

the church's name for caves and groves

sacred to the goddess.


slit, snatch, beaver, box, tail

vulgar for vulva, even your mother said Don't

touch yourself down there  

female genitalia as mouth of hell,

fanged and castrating womb of death

vagina dentata that swallows men whole


  my baby comes out of this mother of caves

  streaming wet with blood, trailing his cord

  and crying as he slips out smooth as water

  my body the ground he is leaving

  for home, helpless fish in thin air

  mouth gasps open, line cut now

  tug at my heart, pain eased


remember the sharpness of the knife

that cut the slit wide open

allowed his crowning

bone-hard head to push

through that cunt so quickly cut,

then closed with catgut


    my cunning cunt gives up her magic

    trick, her one life-giving stunt


and that word,

I claim it now,

as mine.


© 1995 Jennifer Boire.
Previously published in the Urban Wanderer's Reader, an Anthology, Hochelaga Press, 1995

Down there

three young girls

skipping rope in the schoolyard


    my big sister, she cut herself

    on a piece of glass

    she was bleeding    down there


we try to imagine

a bandaid sticking to wet skin

no, impossible


you can't bleed

down there


© 2005 Jennifer Boire


There is blood that has to be seen

to remove the dirt feeling inside

the part that gets disgusted

touching or even smelling it.


There is blood

all over my night memories--

a ski trip by bus,

trapped in the lodge by sudden flood.

No Kotex in the washroom,

no one to tell this to,

underwear cast out in the garbage.

Can't tell my boyfriend, men

must be protected from the curse.

After a long trip home, crying

alone in a darkened high school

washroom, feeling cursed.


I need to re-vision

the blood

feel the blessing of eggs

washing away, lining cleansed

ready for new beginnings.


I need to see God as a woman

who bleeds.


© 2005 Jennifer Boire

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